Hilarion´s Weekly Message
January 24-31, 2016
Beloved Ones,
As the energy influx
continues, your human operating systems are receiving downloads of information
that relates to you personally on your spiritual journey of life. There is a
direct interaction that is beginning to take place with your Divine Essence and
it comes softly at unexpected times and places. As you begin to pay more
attention to these communication attempts, you will be establishing a stronger
connection to this higher aspect of yourselves. This will take a bit of time so
practice being patient with this process. We are making this known so that you
are aware and can be observant to this process.
There is much work
ahead for those who have been prepared and you will be guided to those actions
and activities which will require your participation and assistance in the days
ahead. This work will involve working with the higher realms in order to
accomplish certain tasks to help the planet stay stabilized and able to receive
the higher cosmic energies. This work involves utilizing your energy, for you
are now moving from the task of increasing your energy to the next step, which is
maintaining and using your energy. This is wonderful to see from our
perspective and we applaud each and every one of you for the gains that have
been made! Well done!
For the most part,
your journey involves realizing your own higher potential in your everyday
lives, so there will be a lot of opportunities to step beyond the status quo
and comfort zones and these will make their way into your awareness. Stepping
out of your comfort zones can seem a daunting task but it is imperative that
you do so, for the universe responds to those who step up and begin to move
forward in the direction their inner guidance takes them. Whatever goals and
dreams you have been nurturing within your hearts requires you to take the bold
first step towards manifesting that outcome. It cannot happen if you sit and
wait for something to occur! Just start doing it! This sets into motion the
power, grace and magic to make it so!
Many of you are now
discerning the transformations that are taking place within those in your
sphere of influence and we say that this will continue growing exponentially as
the year unfolds. The most recalcitrant souls are now turning within and
becoming aware of the need for a different life style, in order that they
improve their lot in life. These may come as small changes at first, such as
changing their dietary habits, but will ultimately lead them to seek ever
greater purity of their body, mind and spirit. The renaissance of love has
begun to unfold upon your planet! It is enabling others to seek higher and more
peaceful solutions and resolutions to all that they find challenging in their
In this, you are a
shining example of what a fully balanced and integrated person truly is. By
your loving example, they discern that there is a better way and they become
seekers of that way and how they may also become that. This is a very positive
turn of events in the daily interactions that take place between people and
will, hopefully, expand the consciousness of everyone upon your planet. As
humanity’s consciousness is lightened by living according to higher principles
of conduct, greater Light upon the Earth takes hold.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene
Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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