26, 2015
us have discourse on the quality of love called knowingness which is an inner
way of knowing through listening to the voice within that tells the
individual things they could not actually know based on logic. Each
individual has spiritual powers that they possess and the capability
to function at high levels of perception, clarity, creativity and intuitive
knowingness. As they learn to trust and utilize new ways of perceiving and
communicating with their inner knowingness, they reawaken subtle senses that
work in their everyday lives. They experience a flow of information and
synchronicity that offers them guidance and validation through their
intuition. Intuitive knowingness is a solid, unwavering and simple knowledge
that may not make sense but is a knowing of things to happen. It is
important that one appreciates their own inner knowingness and trust in it, as
this is the voice of their divine guidance speaking to them. Knowing ones inner
self requires a high level of introspection and self awareness. It is a process
of discovery that is a life long journey. To know ones inner self is the first
step of living a conscious life of ones own making.
individual has that aspect within them that is able to bring them divine
guidance. It gives them sensitivity to the subtle worlds that exist in the
invisible realms around them. There is clarity of direction that allows them to
become attuned to that insight that is able to flow from their divine essence.
They become empowered through this higher level of knowing and consciousness.
Divine consciousness, with its capacity for bestowing inner knowingness has
always been available to every individual. It opens them to a whole new level
of awareness. It begins a lifelong process of living from insight, rather
than making decisions strictly from ones conscious mind. The more one relaxes
in a state of trust and allows themselves to be infused with the divine
presence that leads them, the more the quality of conscious living becomes
their everyday reality. Each individual has the power to access their own deep
wisdom, and use it to create a better life. Every day of their life is a
learning journey in the discovery of what they stand for. The more they uncover
and reveal about themselves, the more clearly they are able to live in a
conscious manner.
one becomes still and quiet enough within themselves to be able to feel their
inner being, it allows a greater mind to emerge and reveal its wisdom. This
prepares them for greater revelation and for true insight from that space
inside of them that has their most important answers. In its purest form,
intuitive knowingness is a neutral, calm awareness. Knowingness will take one
towards what feels true to them, that deeper calling within them to live their
life aligned with their heart, mind and soul. Living by ones intuitive
knowingness takes them where they want to go. They will find their way and will
know exactly what their calling is when the time is right and they are ready to
listen by trusting self and their inner knowingness. No one can tell another
person what they are here on Earth to do or the right time to do something.
This is their life and they alone must live it. They have the right to their
choices and can even enjoy the mistakes they have made and learn from them.
They can enjoy all their triumphs and then let them go, opening themselves to
ever greater experiences.
unknown is really all that there is. Life is constantly shifting in ways that
one can never logically or rationally know, for everyone is a part of a greater
existence and its power and consciousness dwells within them. To reclaim trust
in divine truth is to become aware of ones inner wisdom, authenticity and
knowingness. Seeing the divine order in one’s self as a wise being filled with
light and energy of love is an intuitive and wise knowingness. It connects them
to their innermost wisdom and the knowledge that lies beneath the surface of
intellectual thinking. It requires a willingness to have an open mind and to
look deep within and trust and accept what ones wisdom reveals to them. Each
individual has the wisdom within them to make the transformation to being more
empowered and open to change. They thrive by continuously learning, growing and
looking beyond external life to discover what they really want for themselves
in order to really enjoy their lives.
one aligns with their inner self, they make a commitment to ensure that every
action they take will move them toward full alignment with this higher
presence. This comes about as a result of ones conscious effort and intention.
Knowingness is a connection to an unexplainable intuitive guidance and the
guidance one receives from this wise and loving presence is often protective to
them. Each individual has access to this aware and watchful guidance inside
them. In order to benefit from its guidance and direction, they must learn to
trust that their intuitive knowingness is accurate. A lifetime of experience
teaches them that the key to benefiting from their internal knowingness is that
they learn to trust its wisdom over their conscious surface thoughts. Each
individual receives these intuitive knowingness messages each day. It is
important that they act on their higher inner knowingness as it brings its
guidance to their awareness. To have the best, safest and most happy life
possible, it pays to trust ones inner knowingness. Without fail, each time one
courageously acts upon its protective, loving, and responsible guidance, their
life is greatly enhanced.
you always hear your inner intuitive knowingness and allow yourself to be fully
present in each moment of your life.
AM Archangel Gabriel
Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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