Thursday, October 1, 2015

English -- Archangel Gabriel on SACREDNESS


October 1, 2015

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love called sacredness. When an individual is aligned within self and the spiritual life, there is a deeper connection to the divine, to that which is sacred. When this connection is fostered within self and the universe, there is an opening of the heart which inspires a feeling of well being, a sense of higher purpose and a feeling of happiness. One is inspired to make healthy choices and decisions for their life and to continuously strive for a higher sacred ideal. This sense of sacredness is an urge from deep within, an emotion that is uplifting and powerful. It is a boundless and deeply compassionate power that comes from being in touch with the sacredness of all life, a power which transcends one’s usual self. It taps into and accesses one’s sacred inner sanctuary with divine power, knowledge and its limitless possibilities. It is a sacred space that connects one with their inner knowing.

This connection within enhances the sense of sacredness, restoring the importance of the spiritual aspects of one’s life and gives sense, direction and strength to their being. This connection to the sacred changes and fundamentally enlightens everything around them. Their being is uplifted and gradually attains perfection by acquiring more and more of the divine qualities. One learns how to work with the sacred principles of life. They remember the wholeness within them in united spirit and matter. The sacred principles of life must be experienced within each soul as the divine speaks to them, telling them what they need to know. It requires one to be fully present in life in all of its diversity and be free of judgements or expectations. One willingly lets go of the unnecessary in their life and remembers one’s true divine nature. They embrace it all into a harmonious and radiant flow. In this way, they allow new ways of being that are in alignment with the universe to arise and allow its living presence within them.

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