October 29, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse
on the quality of love known as harmony. Harmony is a prime and natural
law of the universe. It is an energy that vibrates within and around all of
life in a continuous manner, connecting all living things with each other
including the Earth and its kingdoms. It connects life with the constant flow
of universal energy and the events that take place. This energy can greatly
expand one’s potential to be the change they would like to experience in
themselves, within their relationships, and within the collective consciousness
of humanity. When an individual focuses on the harmony they desire to
experience, they connect to that power until they manifest this state of being
and have many harmonious experiences to enrich their life. When they create
harmony within self and with others and align harmoniously to the universe,
things in their life start falling into place. Assistance comes to them from
many unexpected places to help their vision move into manifestation. They
receive the helpful and needed information in perfect timing through wonderful
coincidences and synchronicities. They feel the rhythm and harmony of the state
of universal joy.
Every thought from
one’s mind is a communication with the universal mind. The choice as to how one
lives their life determines the state of harmony within one’s being. When an
individual becomes aware of how they spend their physical and emotional energy,
they consciously choose peace, harmony, trust and empowerment in every
situation. They make a loving commitment to work together with others in
harmony and peace. By aligning with the divine, they are in harmony with its
loving intention for their highest good and move into the flow of its
blessings. They experience more clarity in all that they do and live a balanced
life that is in harmony with self, others and the universe. They train their
minds and hearts to immediately send love to everyone they interact with or
think about. They give to others without attaching conditions or expecting
anything in return. This creates a harmonious balance between what they have
given to others and what they receive in return.
There is a harmony,
unity, and oneness between every one and every thing; all are bound together by
the same divine essence. In harmony of being, life becomes a glorious
adventure filled with joy and wonder and brings one a sense of inner peace.
Personal moments
of harmony occur when one is quiet and relaxed. They are connected to a deep
reservoir of stillness and well being where the chattering of their conscious
mind ceases and they experience the beauty and grandeur of their environment.
This results in a quiet mind which helps them to experience beauty in the
current moment instead of thinking thoughts of the past or the future. This
practice increases the flow of harmony and peace. The state of harmony connects
them with higher spiritual influences which assist them in making changes that
are good for all of life everywhere. These harmonious influences facilitate a
more rapid personal growth. Experiencing quietness within allows their mind,
heart and body to settle into a state of harmony.
Each individual is
constantly trying to find the most encompassing harmony in all that they do.
Harmony within is grounded in love and respect for one’s self and others. When
one has achieved inner harmony, it opens them to a greater discovery of
themselves as a fully integrated being that is a part of the whole of life. The
state of harmony supports a person to act from a place of authenticity and
integrity which allows them to be at peace within their own being. Inner peace within
gives them feelings of harmony, tranquility, happiness, goodness, self love,
and stability on a consistent basis. Inner peace and harmony entails a deep
trust in one’s self, and the world around them. One must believe that they live
in a benevolent universe and expect that things will always turn out well. They
believe in goodness and have a positive outlook towards everything in their
life. They are always true to themselves, to their own unique intelligence and
abilities and have a sense of internal security and self confidence which leads
them to the experience of inner peace and harmony.
Understanding and
maintaining balance within oneself is a gentle movement towards harmony and a
sense of deep respect for the natural world. It requires a viewpoint that does
not seek to dominate, control or impose ones views on others or upon nature but
is tempered by respect and a desire for harmony and compassion for all
things. One seeks to celebrate nature and restore the harmony of their
planet, their society and each individual who is a part of it. When one’s
connection with the divine becomes the inspiration for all that one does, their
body becomes the instrument for the direct experience of love, harmony and
beauty in this world. They attain the fullness of life which they have been
longing for as they follow the guidance and deep inspiration of the still small
voice within them. In the pure harmonious depths of their own heart, there is a
fountain of truth, love and understanding, and a flow of profound guidance
which is far greater than anything that their conscious mind can offer. Their
heart readily understands that which their head has been overlooking. In this
way, they reunite their mind, heart and body with the divine in a direct
experience of love, harmony and beauty. They find enduring peace, satisfaction
and joy in their everyday life.
May your inner
harmony and happiness guide and inspire you toward experiences of greater love
and beauty always.
I AM Archangel
2009-2015 Marlene
Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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